Privacy Policy



1.- Identity and contact details of the data controller


In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("GDPR"), we inform you that the personal data that the user voluntarily provides through the website, by e-mail or post and in person (hereinafter, both referred to as the "Site"), will be included in files for which INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP, SLU, with registered office at C/ Electrónica, 19 6-A, 08915, Badalona (Spain), holder of Tax Identification Number B-65457319 and registered in the Companies Register of Barcelona, Volume 42261, Folio 0067, Page 406120, 1st Entry (hereinafter, "IAG"), is responsible for the processing.




2.- Collected Data 


Unless specifically stated otherwise, all data requested from users in the registration forms available on the Site are mandatory. In the event of not supplying all the data required as necessary, IAG may not proceed with the user's registration or may deny the specific service. Likewise, the activation of a user account will be effective once the "General Conditions" shown by IAG at the end of the registration form have been accepted.


Please inform us immediately of any changes to your data so that the information contained in our files is always up to date and free of errors. In this sense, the user declares that the information and data provided to us are accurate, current and truthful, and is liable for any damages that may arise as a result of defective completion with false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data.


IAG does not allow registration by persons under 18 years of age. IAG informs that in the event of detecting the registration of a person under 18 years of age, it will proceed to delete such information with the utmost diligence.



3.- Purpose of the processing


The purpose of the processing by IAG consists of the following:


- The management and control of the user's account on the Site and its compliance with the "General Terms and Conditions".

- The personal data collected on the Site after activating the user account will be used in the case of purchases, to prepare the corresponding invoice, as well as other commercial documents necessary to carry out the transaction.

- The management and control of the auctions in which the user participates, as well as the management of the communications that IAG must make to the user to provide him/her with information on the development of the bids and auctions in which he/she participates.

- The carrying out of statistical studies and the sending of advertising of sales made by IAG through the Site.

- The management and control of competitions and sweepstakes that, where appropriate, IAG may organise among its users.

- Provided that the user has given their explicit and separate consent, we may send them commercial communications by any means (post, telephone, SMS, email, or any other electronic means) promoting the products and services offered by IAG, as well as communicate their personal data to social media platforms in which IAG is active for cross-processing, with the sole purpose of sending them promotional or advertising campaigns for IAG services by this means as well.


4.- Legal basis for processing


The legal basis for the processing of the user's personal data by IAG is as follows:

- The user's free, specific, unequivocal and informed consent to the processing of his/her data for the purposes described in the previous section.

- If the user has explicitly and separately stated their free, specific, unequivocal and informed consent to receive commercial communications from IAG by any means (post, telephone, SMS, email, or any other electronic means) to promote the products and services offered by IAG, as well as to communicate their personal data to social media platforms in which IAG is active to carry out cross-processing, with the sole purpose of sending them promotional or advertising campaigns for IAG services also by this means.

IAG will include in each commercial communication a simple and free procedure to offer the User the possibility of objecting to the processing of his/her data for promotional purposes.

- In the performance of a contract or service requested by the user in connection with auctions on the Site.

- In the legitimate interest of IAG, for the purpose of fraud prevention and for advertising or direct marketing purposes.

- In compliance with legal obligations required of IAG and arising from the user's activity on the Site, such as, for example, in relation to legislation on the prevention of money laundering.



5.- Recipients of personal data


IAG will not communicate personal data to third parties, unless it is legally obliged to do so or unless it is requested by the bankruptcy administration or court with knowledge of the relevant bankruptcy, or by the executor of a corresponding execution procedure, or unless the user has previously authorised it or it is necessary for the provision of the services requested.


Notwithstanding the above, in order to be able to provide the service of the Site, IAG needs to give access to the User's personal data to some service providers or suppliers that have been previously selected for offering guarantees that the processing of the personal data that they carry out will guarantee the protection of the User's rights and will be in accordance with the RGPD.


In this sense, the recipients of the user's personal data are our service providers related to web hosting or hosting, data storage, IT services and application development, advertising, digital marketing (service for sending newsletters or commercial communications from IAG and email marketing), services related to logistics or transport and management services and management and control of fraud on the site.


In the event that the user has explicitly consented to the sending of commercial communications from IAG, their personal data may also be communicated to the social media platforms on which IAG is active (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.), for the purposes of being able to send them these communications by this means.


The user is informed that IAG, as a subject obliged to prevent money laundering, is also obliged to inform the Executive Service for the Prevention of Money Laundering (SEPBLAC) of any fact or operation with respect to which there is an indication or certainty that it is related to money laundering.


6.- International transfers of personal data


In order to provide the user with an adequate service on the Site, IAG informs you that your personal data will be processed by companies located both within and outside the European Economic Area.


The User is therefore informed that his or her personal data will be subject to the following international data transfers outside the European Economic Area:








Google LLC.

Data storage and processing and application development site











Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/1250 of 12 July 2016 pursuant to Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the adequacy of the protection afforded by the EU-US Privacy Shield. EU-US PRIVACY SHIELD.





In compliance with art. 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter GDPR), the parties agree to regulate the access and processing of the data contained in the processing owned by the CLIENT, as TREATMENT CONTROLLER, by ACRECENTA SOLUTIONS, S.L., as TREATMENT CONTROLLER.


Facebook, Inc.

Social networking, advertising, data storage and processing services.






Twitter, Inc.

Social networking, advertising, data storage and processing services.




LinkedIn, Inc.

Social networking services, advertising, data storage and processing.




Newsletter service


7.- Period of conservation of personal data


The user's personal data will remain in IAG's files for as long as the user remains a registered user of the Site.


In the event that the user exercises his or her right of deletion against IAG, we will block the user's data for the duration of the applicable statutory limitation period. Upon expiry of the applicable statutory limitation periods, we will destroy the User's data.


8. Exercise of rights


The user can exercise at any time, freely and free of charge, their rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation of processing, opposition and portability of their personal data, by: i) a written communication addressed to INTERNATIONAL AUCTION GROUP, SLU, with registered office at C/ Electrónica, 19 6-A, 08915, Badalona (Spain) or ii) by e-mail to indicando in the subject "LOPD", providing a photocopy of their ID card or document proving their identity in both cases..






You may consult your personal data included in IAG files.



You will be able to modify your personal data if it is inaccurate..


You may request the deletion of your personal data.


You may request that your personal data not be processed.


Treatment limitation

You may request the restriction of the processing of your data in the following cases:

- Pending verification of the user's challenge to the accuracy of his or her data.

- When the processing is unlawful but the user opposes the deletion of his/her data.

- When IAG does not need to process the data but the user needs it for the exercise or defence of claims.

- Where the user has objected to the processing of his/her data for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest, while it is being verified whether IAG's legitimate grounds for processing outweigh those of the user.




You may receive, in electronic format, the personal data that you have provided to us and those obtained from your contractual relationship with IAG, as well as to transmit them to another entity.


9.- User's right to withdraw consent


Without prejudice to IAG's legally required obligation to safeguard and block the User's personal data, the User may, at any time and free of charge, withdraw his or her consent to this data processing and request IAG to delete his or her personal data.


10.- Complaint to a supervisory authority


Users are informed that they have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( as supervisory authority, if they consider that IAG has not processed their personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations on personal data protection.


11.- Security


IAG undertakes to adopt the technical and organisational security measures established by regulation that guarantee the security of the user's personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD and the applicable regulations.


12.- Changes to our privacy policy


IAG may update this "Privacy Policy" at any time. The user is informed that an updated version of this "Privacy Policy" will always be available on the Site. Should these changes affect purposes not foreseen in this "Privacy Policy", we will inform you, sufficiently in advance, of the purposes of this further processing by email (to the last address provided) and of any relevant information, and we will request your prior consent in case this is required by the GDPR and the applicable regulations.